Go on Pilgrimage

July 2024

We come as pilgrims to this place, and we ask the Virgin of Guadalupe to be a mother to us, and to renew us in the love of her Son.

-Archbishop Gomez

In Mexico, Archbishop Gomez says to keep being ‘pilgrims’ for Mary and Jesus

Addressing more than 300 pilgrims who traveled from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to Mexico, Archbishop José H. Gomez said that just as they had all traveled to another country in search of Mary and Jesus, that journey should continue when they returned home.

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“And from our homes, let us spread the love of Jesus into every corner of our society! May every person we meet know his promise of salvation.”

Photos – Day 2

Pilgrims carried hundreds of prayer intentions collected from locations across the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and online to a special Mass at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

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En esta imagen sagrada que nos dejó, podemos ver que lleva a Jesús en su vientre, bajo sus manos orantes, su corazón late bajo su corazón.

-Arzobispo Gómez

En México, Mons. Gómez dice que hay que seguir siendo “peregrinos” de María y Jesús

Al dirigirse a más de 300 peregrinos que viajaron de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles a México, el Arzobispo José H. Gomez dijo que así como todos ellos habían viajado a otro país en busca de María y Jesús, ese viaje debía continuar cuando regresaran a casa.

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Pilgrimage Day 1

Almost 300 pilgrims gathered for a Mass celebrated by Archbishop Gomez at the Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral

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In the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, we enjoy a rich history of pilgrimages to holy sites. They are times set aside to deepen our faith, give thanks for the many blessings in our lives, and pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Pilgrim Photos

View photos submitted by our LA Catholics on pilgrimage!

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Enjoy these videos from our past pilgrimages to Mexico City. 

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